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About Math Practice Sheet!

I would like to write about my app Math Practice Sheet in this post. IDEA behind this app is very simple - to generate random Math Practice Sheets for you kids. Once our children starts going to school they start learning multiple things. Math is one of the subject that requires lots of practice, more thy practice more they master it. One of the challenge all Parents faces is to give them problems to practice. We try to use multiple options; like writing problems on paper, search on the internet for practice sheets. All these requires time and we end up not giving it when we don't have much time. When I started facing this problem. This IDEA came into my mind, why not create a mobile App, using that we can always generate a new problem sheet and Print or Share directly from our Phone from anywhere. So I developed Math Practice Sheets.

Math Practice Sheet is a very simple Mobile App with multiple options.

  1. Addition Sheets

  2. Subtraction Sheets

  3. Multiplication Sheets

  4. Division Sheets

  5. Mix Sheets

  6. Fact Sheets

Each sheet has multiple options to choose from. For example up to how many digits you want to give Addition problem. Or problems with carry should be included or not.

Just very few clicks and Sheet is ready to share or print.

Fact sheet is the new feature I added recently. In all other sheet types there was an option to Select number of digits; like up to 4 digits or 5 digits etc. But after using this App, some of my friends suggested, it would be more useful if it can generate Fact Sheets, in that they can specify a number and it will generate problems till that number only. For example giving number 25 for multiplication can generate multiplication problems till number 25 only.

I am planning to add more new features to it soon. One of the feature will be to generate answers and store them. That will make it easier for parents to verify the answers.

You can download this app on iOS from this link

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